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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 11:26 other posts 
Dang, I should have stayed in Florida a bit longer, this weather sucks! I have to wait until Monday for the high to reach 69 but the tradeoff is on that day there's a 72% chance of rain.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,May,24 11:31 other posts 
Not much better in NYC today

51 and rainy.
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 12:47 other posts 
It's already 60 but we're supposed to see 62! My toes are cold! Speaking about toes, yesterday I was out and about and stopped at a Walmart for a couple of things (aluminum foil, toothpaste and a muscle rub aka Ben Gay). I'm walking through the store looking around trying to see if there was anything I missed and this young man, my guess mid 30's tells me that I have pretty toes! Dang, that took me right back to a couple of years ago when I was having a salad at Wendy's and a fella complimented me on my feet and asked me whether he could touch them! Ewwwwwww!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,24 17:43 other posts 
Hahaha 😝 how do you keep finding these guys with a toe fetish are you shopping for them
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 19:03 other posts 
Hecky NO! Gee, I was not aware that there are guys who are really into feet. I did have a mani and pedi almost 2 weeks ago so things are still looking "fresh".
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 11,May,24 08:17 other posts 
Bella, I have really small feet and hands, and used to have co-workers beg me for feet pics and ask me to wear high heels and open toed sandals. Never got peoples fascination with feet.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,May,24 10:34 other posts 
In my opinion, my hands are an average size, I wear a size 7.5 shoe and I have a for real wonky looking toenail on my right foot. Yep, the nail bed for the toe next to the big toe got squished and the nail grows kinda like an inverted V. Back in the day when I was trying to look "cute" in shoes, I made the shoes work to my detriment.

By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,24 22:43 other posts 
You know what cheeses me off? Okay, okay, I'm going to tell you.

People/members that blacklist others because of their political affiliation. Yep, those kinda folks are messed up!
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 09,May,24 23:26 other posts 
Or men who blacklist/block because they are gay and you clicked on a main page photo and had no way of knowing and they are mad cuz you’re female.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,May,24 23:37 other posts 
Yes, that type of member, too!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,24 07:38 other posts 
Screw that that’s being mighty petty I agree with you 100 percent
By kebmo [Ignore] 10,May,24 03:35 other posts 
Nothing cheeses me off today! I’m so gosh darn happy after a big time family day celebrating an important birthday. All is good in kebmo land! ❤️❤️❤️
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 07:26 other posts 
You must be feelin' good, you "mentioned" yourself in your own post!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,24 07:35 other posts 
Most of my black listings are because of my political views and I must admit if someone tells me that they are a democrat I do look at them differently i look at them as someone trying to fuck up my country and that pisses me off
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,May,24 11:33 other posts 
Do I have anyone that has blacklisted me?

By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,24 11:52 other posts 
Just a couple maybe
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 12:37 other posts 
That's what I'm talking about, dgraff. People here or in real life that shun you because of your political affiliation. Your political views and beliefs are just a fraction of who you are and what makes you tick!
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,24 14:41 other posts 
I agree ☝️

By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 10:19 other posts 
I've never shied away from identifying myself as being a Survivor geek, been loving it for all 46 seasons. This season there's a female player, Liz, that asserts she has a multitude of food allergies and being on the island her options are very limited. Last weeks episode she had a complete meltdown because another player didn't choose her to go on a reward adventure that included food provided by Applebee's.

Now why would anyone apply to become a contestant in a game where you are limited with what comforts from home you can bring and no fire, food or shelter provided? WTF!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 10,May,24 11:32 other posts 
I would rather eat plants and grass than Applebee's
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,May,24 11:55 other posts 
Worms 🪱 and snails 🐌 perhaps
By bella! [Ignore] 10,May,24 12:38 other posts 
That's not the point!

By bella! [Ignore] 08,May,24 13:10 other posts 
Oops! Unless this truck is owner operated, someone is gonna be in some deep shit!

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By phart [Ignore] 08,May,24 14:27 other posts 
that is something I can't understand how it can happen and the driver not know. because the bed being up in the air would be clearly visable in the mirrors, and the truck would handle like crap with all that wind resistance.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,May,24 15:23 other posts 
Not only that but the PTO power take off would have to be engaged for the bed to be up and it would make all kinds of noise and shake the truck
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,24 21:19 other posts 

By #610414 01,Sep,20 13:04
Good afternoon, Bella. I’ve noticed ( I assume because of my reputation) people assume wrong. They are willing to believe the worst. Today alone I’ve been told off for 3 things that I did not want to convey.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 13:50 other posts 
Rather than saying that you sense that members have made an erroneous assumption, whether it is about you or about your post, why not clarify the poster's post with that poster? If someone misunderstood you, it's your responsibility to respond and correct.
By #610414 01,Sep,20 15:44
I did. Once with Phart. Once with Dgraff. And once with you. I think it will be to my advantage to ignore any errors on the part of other members. If you get it wrong it won’t affect me. I’m not responsible for other people’s fubars
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 15:50 other posts 
What/where have I made an erroneous assumption?
By #610414 01,Sep,20 15:57
draw the eyes of members to your childish outbursts.
--------------------------------------- added after 57 seconds

They are not childish. They are expressions of frustration
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 16:40 other posts 
So you feel your actions are justified? You are a mature woman, in age, and you honestly believe that posting pictures of my avatar and littering the forum with your venom is merely an expression of your frustration? WOW! This isn't a one time expression, you have done it at least 3 or 4 times. So you justify your anger as being because of your "latin bl00d"? Bullshit! When I blacklisted you, you knew why I blacklisted you and there was no need to state WHY? But when you blacklisted me, you embellish the reason. Gee, even "WOODY1227's" WHY? seemed to echo your thoughts, as if "he" had your input writing the WHY?.

If your reference to asshat is something that should jog my memory, it doesn't. I know I use that term from time to time, I tend to think that you're trying to tell me that I called you an asshat, I probably did. If you feel that your expressions are just expressions of frustration, keep it up. Don't be surprised if members continue to "misunderstand" you. As for kebmo and phart, if they misunderstood you, you need to circle back to them and iron it out.
By #610414 01,Sep,20 17:10
I don’t have Latin blood my DNA places me in north Central Europe. My parents are from upper state New York. Our mutual blacklisting is in the past. My outlook on it is that if we are at that point, we are not in a friends situation. It’s all fair in love and war
If I’m missunderstood from now on, it’s on me. And there’s no purpose to iron out anything with Kebmo and Phart
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

When you lifted the block, I thanked you and told you I would behave. I think so far I’ve kept to my resolution. You probably don’t know this since you blocked me far longer than I did you but I deleted most pics about you
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 20:10 other posts 
I apologize for thinking and stating that you had Latin blood.

Somewhere in the forum, I stated that I think Mario Lopez is a hottie. I think Latinos and Latinas are both beautiful and sexy! When I was working, I had a "thing" for one of my friend's husband. She is Mexican and he, Puerto Rican. Him, not too tall, about 5'7 or 5'8", dark hair, big brown eyes, and a little soul patch, you know, right under his bottom lip. In order to speak to her, he had to call in on my line and when I answered, he always said; "How you do?" with a bit of an accent. Ahhhhh.....what a hot man. Too bad he was married to my friend and about 15 years younger than me.
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 20:50 other posts 
Believe me when I tell you Latinos are very passionate lover’s I just can’t get enough
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 00:51 other posts 
Oh, are you bragging?
By dgraff [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 04:48 other posts 
Hahaha I am indeed
By #610414 02,Sep,20 07:53
Charlie grew up in Argentina but his dad was born in Liverpool. Charlie has dual citizenship. He was christened Carlos Eduardo with an English surname. Charlie was from his US naturalization.
--------------------------------------- added after 70 minutes

BTW, This month, on the 18th, Charlie and I will be married 49 yrs.
That's why we sound so much alike,
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Research shows that married couples are so in sync with each other that they grow more alike on a cellular level as they age.

"It's like finishing each other's sentences, but it's your muscles and cells that are operating in sync,"

I took a close look at Charlie's page. He does write and shares my ideas (or I his)
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 08,May,24 16:49 other posts 
A immigrant hubby from Argentina but you spout the most racist and homophobic crap. A real lovely lady you are.
By #610414 08,May,24 16:59
Fuck you. Being racist and homophobic and using racist or homophobic rants are two different things. I have consistently defended immigrants, gays, lesbians and ignorant fools. Can you say the same?
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 08,May,24 17:05 other posts 
I’ve never called anyone a raghead, a homo, wetback or any of the names you call the others here. So yes I can. I’m sure your mixed children and husbands family would be proud of you.
By #610414 08,May,24 17:09
But your raghead dick of a boyfriend has, not only to me, but, to many, many other members. Sir-Raghead has 373 blogs and the majority, the really nasty ones, are about me. What do you call that?

By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 08,May,24 17:15 other posts 
So that gives you the right to be a raging racist cunt? Nice justification. A real pillar of morals and a leader for your future generations.

By the way. You might want to have your hubby do a 23 and me test before you go around calling anyone a “Raghead”.

Some interesting reading:

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By #610414 08,May,24 17:23
Hubby has Mostly European with Irish, English, French Basque and Italian
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Yeah, more personal info.
By _AxCx_ [Ignore] 08,May,24 16:51 other posts 
More personal info m.
By #610414 03,Sep,20 18:01
Maybe you did not call me an asshat. After all there's a few other possibilities.

these are my aliases here.


By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 18:07 other posts 
How soon you forget....there was mandy658 and WetNoodle. I was mariel and gabbyrose and for almost 9 years, I have just been bella!
By #610414 03,Sep,20 19:20
You are right. I forgot those two. I'll put it on my list
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

How the heck you remember? Do you take notes?
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 19:38 other posts 
No, just a decent memory.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 20:16 other posts 
I take notes I have a special tablet just for this site it includes birthdays phone numbers the whole nine yards
By phart [Ignore] 01,Sep,20 20:58 other posts 
What have I done this time?
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Sep,20 01:21 other posts 
Phart, you involved yourself in this conversation!
By phart [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 19:47 other posts 
I am always stepping in shit!
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Sep,20 19:49 other posts 
I hope you're not wearing your good shoes!
By #610414 03,Sep,20 19:56
Phart, your views on economics and politics grate badly on me, but, I've never known you to be mean. You are all right, baby.
By phart [Ignore] 08,May,24 21:18 other posts 
what did I do?

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