Recent Posts of member dgraff


Funniest forum moments in syd history 21,Jun,19 07:15


By dgraff 01,Jun,24 16:10
Yeah I wouldn’t rub that on my body

By dgraff 01,Jun,24 16:02
Extracted from a baby’s arm pits i think

By dgraff 31,May,24 21:07
I don’t think anyone cares about cat after she acted all high and mighty preaching the Biden gospel and all this time living with her dirty little secret I bet Jerome was involved somehow he fled to California in a big hurry come to think of it

By dgraff 31,May,24 17:08
The trial was rigged just like the 2020 election was rigged the democrats are slimy and corrupt

By dgraff 30,May,24 20:34
There will be hell to pay for that judgment I already heard wind of a June 6 peaceful protest in front of the court house or in it

By dgraff 30,May,24 19:44
So eventually we will all turn black from the heat interesting so then I guess we will all be equal I better brush up on my jive talk and dig my boom box out i can just see myself walking around with an Afro

By dgraff 30,May,24 19:24

By dgraff 30,May,24 08:30
How does the Dutch language compare to the Pennsylvania Dutch language it seems to me like a slang between German and Dutch languages they say things like
Come here now vonst
Throw the cow over the fence some hey now vonst
Cheese onth crackers have you seen my flashlight laying around now ounst
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And yes phart the grass and shrubbery looked like hell

By dgraff 30,May,24 08:11
Yep unseasonably cool this morning must be global warming

By dgraff 29,May,24 18:42
I remember that it was a red dress i should have saved it for a rainy day i have some pictures of lixsipsucket from yesteryear

By dgraff 29,May,24 17:28

By dgraff 28,May,24 20:07
How about a date with me to go golfing 🏌️‍♀️ i will bring the jam what flavor does your family like strawberry preserves or grape 🍇 preserves well you can let me know

By dgraff 28,May,24 07:23
jam boys

By dgraff 27,May,24 17:53
That about sums it up all of the above is better than burring it in the flower bed in front of the trailer

By dgraff 27,May,24 17:43
Absolutely I’m with you my friend

By dgraff 27,May,24 17:10
That stupid cunt I haven’t seen him around lately

By dgraff 27,May,24 06:14
The info doesn’t tell us that much detail i guess to protect the victim what i wonder is was it a family member 95 percent of the time the victim knows the attacker well

By dgraff 26,May,24 12:20
I agree 100 percent and I seen it with my own 2 eyes it’s him without a shadow of a doubt

By dgraff 26,May,24 09:06
Don’t worry Donald Trump and I have a plan for protecting our borders the carnage will be staggering but there is no more free rides in this country anymore
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Not on my watch

By dgraff 26,May,24 09:02
Remember Tammy Fay baker TV evangelist she wore that much makeup if she smiled her face would crack

By dgraff 26,May,24 08:57
That’s sick if I ever see a camera in any public bathroom i will rip it off and smash it on the floor then stomp it in to dust

By dgraff 25,May,24 12:58

By dgraff 25,May,24 12:57
Yeah for sure

By dgraff 25,May,24 07:07
Goooood morning everyone the sun is shining the birds are chirping i have my racks of ribs out defrosting and then in to the smoker they go after I season them of course

By dgraff 25,May,24 06:56
Seriously though I quit peeing on my self as a child like a normal person

By dgraff 24,May,24 15:44
I understand completely and I know it happens with credit cards but I can’t see how it could happen in a **** case because once they pick the guy up the victim has to point them out

By dgraff 24,May,24 11:54
Absolutely bella I live with it every day Marcy’s x repeatedly raped Marcy’s daughter Kayla as a child and the poor girl is 23 and still has nightmares and trust issues with men she trusts me and feels safe living in my home

By dgraff 24,May,24 10:53
I think i would look a little weird carrying a purse 👛

By dgraff 24,May,24 10:47
I don’t see how her dumbness supplied us their full names and bam if you look up chuckles full name on the Dade County predators website their it is i seen it myself with my own two eyes with a picture of him

By dgraff 24,May,24 08:06
Yep absolutely instead they come to a sex site and show the world their shriveled up 80 year old parts that should not be seen anymore
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Now you made me hungry for baked goods I will have to get on Marcy about that

By dgraff 24,May,24 06:26
As long as she leaves me enough room to empty out my pockets each night I’m good
And cigarettes

By dgraff 24,May,24 05:26
I still can’t believe that after all the preaching candy did about women’s rights and her liberal views and yet her beloved husband is on the dade county florida predator list what a bunch of shit

By dgraff 24,May,24 04:28

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I wouldn’t know one beauty product from the other but Marcy has the whole top of my dresser cluttered with the stuff

By dgraff 23,May,24 21:51
Yep me too Laura geller products is all i wear out on the town

By dgraff 21,May,24 21:32
Thank you for the information he is a sick man this hits home with me because my girlfriends x was repeatedly rapping Kayla the daughter at a young age and it mentally screwed her up for life she’s 23 now and still has nightmares about it she does feel safe and secure living at my house because she knows I’m a no nonsense person and I would kill him if he ever showed up here but for now he’s rotting in prison

By dgraff 21,May,24 21:22
Don’t eat to many of them they have a tendency to go straight to a woman hips

By dgraff 21,May,24 21:19
Absolutely i guess they think the white peoples will rebuild it for them

By dgraff 21,May,24 18:13

By dgraff 21,May,24 17:58
That’s how we should pick a president put the candidates in a steal cage and let them fight it out winner takes all

By dgraff 21,May,24 17:49
I wear hand guns like jewelry there nice and clean and shiny to me they are eye candy

By dgraff 21,May,24 16:53
Who was old chuckles victim a boy or a girl that is some sick shit and to think they talked all high and mighty i would laugh if the feds kicked in their front door and ceased their computer

By dgraff 21,May,24 08:22
He banned me years ago too

By dgraff 21,May,24 08:21

By dgraff 21,May,24 06:15
Good idea and thank the people that voted for them

By dgraff 21,May,24 06:06
We must thank Joe Biden every thing has doubled and tripled under his leadership

By dgraff 20,May,24 20:43
I remember it well I think she is an old alcoholic With nothing better to do than try to make others miserable

By dgraff 20,May,24 20:02
When I was a new member I browsed around I got to know you good people but most importantly I kept my mouth shut when it came to the forum after I studied everything that was going on then I started commenting but I went with the flow and the flow at that time was lixsipsucket John S and monted and I all ready had a problem with the three of them nope not cat she had to open her big mouth and defend lixsipsucket this is were her problem started and with lixsipsucket gone tag cat became it
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Just my opinion on what happened to cat

By dgraff 20,May,24 19:49
He can’t the liberals defunded the police

By dgraff 20,May,24 19:35
I like a double quarter pounder with cheese so that would be 14.00 to 24.00 dollars

By dgraff 20,May,24 17:44
That’s going to be one tasty burger for sure i don’t even use regular hamburger to cook with i always buy ground sirloin to make spaghetti or anything involving burger
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That’s going to be a 20 dollar burger 🍔